
PartnersSwedish University of Agricultural Sciencesnilla.nilsdotter-linde@slu.se  Svenska Vallföreningenlinda.af.geijersstam@gmail.com  SwedenHÄR TÄVLAR DU OM ATT BLI SVERIGES BETESMÄSTARE Tävlingen syftar till att lyfta intresset för bete i Europa....

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PartnersUniversity of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napocamjitea@usamvcluj.ro  AgroTransilvania Clusterfelix.arion@agrocluster.com  Romania CONCURS FERMIERI DEMONSTREAZĂ CĂ EȘTI CEL MAI BUN FERMIER! PARTICIPĂ LA CONCURSUL “CEL MAI...

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PartnersConsulaicramos@consulai.com  University of Evoramiguel.soares@uevora.pt  PortugalFarmers Competition The Muralha de Évora’s Veterinary Hospital will be holding the 15th International Conference the 2nd Edition of the Innovations in Extensive...

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PartnersAERESa.van.den.pol@aeres.nl  ZLTOAnnick.spaans@zlto.nl  The netherlands WIN EEN REIS NAAR IERLAND!   Schrijf je in en laat ons weten hoe jij werkt aan agro-ecologie:   https://forms.gle/tFYBuZxjMhAFVh8fA     [dgbm_blog_module posts_number="30"...

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PartnersCentro di Sperimentazione Laimburg Giovanni.Peratoner@laimburg.it  Genossenchaft Bioland SudtirolG4AE@bioland-suedtirol.it  Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricercheritaannamaria.melis@cnr.it  ItalyWETTBEWERB IM RAHMEN DES PROJEKTES GRAZING4AGROECOLOGY...

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PartnersTeagascMichael.ODonovan@teagasc.ie Caitlin.Looney@teagasc.ie  Gold CropPatrick.Cashman@goldcrop.ie  IRELANDFARMERS COMPETITION The Sustainable Grassland Farmer of the Year competition aims to promote grassland excellence for all Irish livestock...

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PartnersGrünlandzentrum Niedersachsen/Bremenfranziska.schmidt@gruenlandzentrum.de  Universität Göttingen, Fachbereich Graslandwissenschaft des Departments für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaftenfriederike.riesch@agr.uni-goettingen.de dietrun.thielecke@uni-goettingen.de...

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PartnersChambre D'Agriculture Bretagnejean-marc.seuret@ bretagne.chambagri.fr  Institut de L'Elevage - Idelesoline.schetelat@idele.fr  INRAEchristian.huyghe@inrae.fr  FranceAvec le concours « Parie sur ta Prairie »,  vos prairies valent de l’or Pour la...

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