Farmers Competition
The Muralha de Évora’s Veterinary Hospital will be holding the 15th International Conference the 2nd Edition of the Innovations in Extensive Livestock Award, in association with the Grazing4AgroEcology project (G4AE). The 2024 “Innovations in Extensive Livestock Award” is aligned with national and European priorities to support innovation in the sector and aims to reward the most innovative livestock farms in 4 areas of activity:
1. Environmental sustainability – biotechnological solutions that respect the principles of zero carbon, sustainable economy, and the circularity of raw materials, i.e. the use of by-products from exploitation, allowing value to be created from biological and renewable resources, preferably endogenous.
2. Technological innovation – the aim is to reward innovative technological solutions that promote the optimization of processes to improve the farm’s profitability, infrastructure capacity, and efficient resource management.
3. Profitability – the farms with the best fertility rates and overall profitability will be rewarded, as long as they meet the assumptions of environmental, economic, and social sustainability of the agri-food value chain.
4. Animal Welfare – Farms that actively promote animal welfare, whether through innovative livestock management procedures or through the development of infrastructures adapted to animal welfare.
The applications should be submitted through the form present in:
Innovative Agriculture in Germany
Together with a group of (young) farmers and students from the University of Göttingen, the Grünlandzentrum Niedersachsen/Bremen traveled to...
Partner farm meeting on innovative grazing techniques
The latest meeting of the Partner Farm Network In Germany, attended by eight farmers from across Europe, focused on innovative grazing strategies....
Young Farmers Tour 2024
An exciting event unfolded from June 9th to 11th, 2024, as part of the EU-funded project “Grazing4AgroEcology” (G4AE). Aeres University of Applied...
Interview with Farmer Walter Steger (Künighof)
During our GPA Meeting in South Tyrol, we visited the Künighof farm in St. Johann, Ahrntal. The Künighof, managed by Walter Steger, is located at...
Carbon Footprint of Milk and the Influence of Grazing
Calculating the Carbon Footprint of Milk and the Influence of Grazing – An In-depth Look with Dr. Friederike Fenger (Thünen Institute, Organic...
Video: Field Day 2nd General Assembly Meeting
On March 24th it was the last day of the General Assembly Meeting of G4AE in Lisbon, Portugal. On this day, the G4AE consortium travelled to Évora...
Video: 2nd General Assembly Meeting
On March 22nd and 23rd, the 2nd General Assembly Meeting of the G4AE took place in Lisbon, Portugal. On the 1st day there was a filming and editing...
International network event in G4AE: 45 young farmers visiting Northern Germany
Within the EU funded project “Grazing4AgroEcology” (G4AE), the Centre for Grassland (GLZ) and the Georg-August University of Goettingen (UGOE)...
News and events
Event: 1st Meeting with Portugese Partner Farms
28th of February 2023
The results of the last Agricultural Census whose collection ended at the end of 2020, are revealing of the strong cultural change in agricultural activity in Portugal: permanent crops have soared, with olive, almond, small fruit, and subtropical fruits setting the trend.
As for the structure, the number of agricultural farms in Portugal has decreased, but the surface area used has grown and so has the average area. What’s more, entrepreneurial agriculture continues to grow. Data that demonstrates the modernisation of the activity and, above all, a lot of investment in the last decade.
The area of permanent pasture area in Portugal, currently, is around 2 million hectares, which corresponds to 51.7% of the UAA. In the period between 2009 and 2019, the area of permanent pasture increased by 14.9%.The Alentejo region has the highest representativeness, with 63.9% of the area of Permanent Pasture.
The average size of the farms in Portugal is 13.7 ha.
In Portugal, 52% of agricultural land in 2019 was permanent pasture. This means that, in total, permanent grassland occupied about 2 million hectares, 71.6% of which without any improvements, such as sowing, fertilisation, irrigation or drainage.
Grazing4AgroEcology – Uma rede europeia para inverter o declínio do pastoreio e apoiar as explorações com sistemas agropecuários baseados no pastoreio no seu desempenho económico e ambiental e no bem-estar animal
O Grazing4Agroecology (G4AE) é um projeto financiado pela UE que visa restaurar a confiança dos agricultores e da indústria agrícola no desempenho produtivo e na competitividade do sistemas baseados no pastoreio através da promoção de inovações agroecológicas. O projeto tem como objetivo apoiar os agricultores na implementação de sistemas baseados no pastoreio, como uma prática para o ambiente, animais e sociedade, a fim de produzir alimentos mais saudáveis e com menor impacto nos recursos naturais. O G4AE visará também os objetivos do Pacto Ecológico Europeu da EU: restaurar a biodiversidade, reduzir as perdas de nutrientes e reduzir as emissões de Gases com Efeito de Estufa (GEE).
Os sistemas agrícolas baseados no pastoreio têm potencial para produzir alimentos de alta qualidade, beneficiar a competitividade dos agricultores e o bem-estar dos animais, e fornecer outros serviços de ecossistema que são amplamente valorizados pela nossa sociedade. Embora os sistemas de produção baseados no pastoreio tenham provado o seu potencial para produzir alimentos de alta qualidade, tais como leite e carne com elevados benefícios nutricionais, infelizmente, enfrentamos atualmente um declínio pronunciado do pastoreio na Europa.
Os agricultores e os grupos de agricultores representativos estão no centro de uma rede multi-atores que trabalham em conjunto com o Sistema de Conhecimento e Informação Agrícola AKIS, incluindo investigação aplicada, grupos operacionais, organizações não governamentais (ONGs), técnicos de aconselhamento/consultoria e indústria, bem como consumidores e sociedade geral.
A rede de 120 explorações agrícolas parceiras (15 por país) permitirá a recolha e implementação das melhores práticas e inovações para promover o pastoreio para a agroecologia. A G4AE inovará o setor dos sistemas agropecuários baseados no pastoreio, reforçando a capacidade dos agricultores para compreenderem o seu próprio desempenho com base numa ferramenta integrada de autoavaliação.
Facilitator Agents
2 agents that will moderate farm demonstrations of best practices and meetings within the grazing AKIS and encourage all actors to exchange and share knowledge in Portugal
Carolina Ramos
Margarida Próspero
Partner Farms
João Madeira – Sociedade Agrícola Vargas Madeira
Rotational grazing to reduce work labour and costs and to mitigate the drought
More info here: Video / Practice abstract
An extensive organic farm with 950 ha, 80 cows and 2000 sheep, in Alentejo.
Frederico Vaz Monteiro – Herdeiros de Jerónimo Manzarra
Improving grasslands by using a combination of cereals and a seed mixture
More info here: Video / Practice abstract
Organic farm with 1500 ha in Idanha-a-Nova, with around 550 beef cows and 400 beef bulls.
Luís Mendes – Herdade da Defesa da Pedra Alçada
Forest management plan
More info here: Video / Practice abstract
The farm is located in Alandroal, it has 680 ha and around 200 cows and 60 sheep.
Inês Barracha – Sociedade Agrícola Felizardo Prezado
Improvement of the grasslands through liming and by clearing bush vegetation
More info here: Video / Practice abstract
The farm has 714 ha, and it is situated in Ponte de Sôr and has around 650 sheep.
Diogo Pinho – Monte da Silveira Bio
High-quality composting – “compost tea”
More info here: Video / Practice abstract
Family farm located in Castelo Branco, with about 1000 ha integrating cows, sheep, goats and horses.
Francisco Alves – Herdade de São Luís
Animal fattening and delivery directly to the consumer
More info here: Video / Practice abstract
Organic farm with 700 ha, located in Montemor-o-Novo, with the production of cows, sheep, goats and pigs.
Pedro Atalaya – Monte do Tojal
Desilting the dam
More info here: Video / Practice abstract
Farm with 1700 ha, 800 cows and about 100 sheep in Évora.
Pompeu Pais Dias – Sociedade Agrícola Mendes Jorge
Livestock decrease to improve the Montado’s sustainability
More info here: Video / Practice abstract
Family farm with 720 ha, 150 cows and 25 horses in Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo, North of Portugal.
Joaquim Mira – Sociedade Agrícola Fonte do Prior
Rotational grazing, non-selective grazing, and direct seeding
More info here: Video / Practice abstract
Farm with 330 ha, 140 cows and also producing pigs during winter, in Montemor-o-Novo.
Diogo Nascimento – Herdade da Coitadinha
Planting indigenous crops with drip irrigation
More info here: Video / Practice abstract
Farm with 1000 ha, around 160 cows and pigs during the winter season, in Barrancos.
António Quadros e Costa – Herdade do Gamito
Smaller paddocks with frequent livestock rotation
More info here: Video / Practice abstract
Family farm with 370 ha, in Alvito, Alentejo, with 130 cows and 13 horses.
António Mascarenhas – Herdade da Torre
Synchronized births and genetic improvement
More info here: Video / Practice abstract
Farm with 7200 ha, in the Alto Alentejo region, with around 300 cows and pigs during winter.
João Pedro Pereira – Carne d’Erva
Production of 100% grass-fed meat and direct sales through e-commerce under the Carne D’Erva brand
More info here: Video / Practice abstract
Farm with 100 ha in Santa Iria da Azóia, near Lisbon, with 23 cows.
Nuno Rodrigues – Casa Agrícola Manuel Gil Ferreira
Use of NDVI and thermal integral and implementation of a new culture
More info here: Video / Practice abstract
Farm with 680 ha, located in Alcácer do Sal, with 1400 sheep and pigs during the winter season.
More info here: Video / Practice abstract
Farm information & location