The netherlands
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Innovative Agriculture in Germany
Together with a group of (young) farmers and students from the University of Göttingen, the Grünlandzentrum Niedersachsen/Bremen traveled to...
Partner farm meeting on innovative grazing techniques
The latest meeting of the Partner Farm Network In Germany, attended by eight farmers from across Europe, focused on innovative grazing strategies....
Young Farmers Tour 2024
An exciting event unfolded from June 9th to 11th, 2024, as part of the EU-funded project “Grazing4AgroEcology” (G4AE). Aeres University of Applied...
Interview with Farmer Walter Steger (Künighof)
During our GPA Meeting in South Tyrol, we visited the Künighof farm in St. Johann, Ahrntal. The Künighof, managed by Walter Steger, is located at...
Carbon Footprint of Milk and the Influence of Grazing
Calculating the Carbon Footprint of Milk and the Influence of Grazing – An In-depth Look with Dr. Friederike Fenger (Thünen Institute, Organic...
Video: Field Day 2nd General Assembly Meeting
On March 24th it was the last day of the General Assembly Meeting of G4AE in Lisbon, Portugal. On this day, the G4AE consortium travelled to Évora...
Video: 2nd General Assembly Meeting
On March 22nd and 23rd, the 2nd General Assembly Meeting of the G4AE took place in Lisbon, Portugal. On the 1st day there was a filming and editing...
International network event in G4AE: 45 young farmers visiting Northern Germany
Within the EU funded project “Grazing4AgroEcology” (G4AE), the Centre for Grassland (GLZ) and the Georg-August University of Goettingen (UGOE)...
News and events
Event: Study Group Meeting
On June 28, 2023, the second Dutch study group meeting of Grazing4AgroEcology took place at Joeri Ham’s farm in Wijdenes. Siw Fasting from the Grünlandzentrum from Germany and Teun van Oosterhout of ZLTO were present as guest speakers and addressed the 10 dairy farmers.
After an introduction to dairy farming and grazing in Germany, Siw Fasting interactively worked with the group on climate change adaptations at farm level. Then Teun van Oosterhout discussed the farm results of the Kringloopwijzer (Annual Nutrient Cycling Assessment), a calculation method to record minerals at farm level.
Of course, an extensive farm tour followed, with Joeri Ham explaining how he grazes. Joeri optimizes the cows’ ration by letting them eat the tops of the grass one part of the day, followed by offering them the last stalks of the previous field the other part of the day.
Event: Second Pilot Farm meeting
June 2023
Event: First Pilot Farm meeting
16th of March 2023
Event: Farm intake meeting
27th of February 2023
Grazing4AgroEcology (G4AE) is een door de EU gefinancierd project wat de agrarische ondernemer en de landbouwsector ondersteunt bij beweiding. Concreet gaat het om het delen van informatie en innovaties met als doel een duurzame beweiding voor koe, veehouder, milieu en maatschappij. G4AE ondersteunt enkele van doelstellingen van de Green Deal van de EU: herstel van biodiversiteit, vermindering van nutriëntenverliezen en vermindering van de uitstoot van broeikasgassen.
Bedrijven met beweiding produceren voedsel van hoge kwaliteit, zijn gunstig voor de portemonnee van de veehouder en voor het dierenwelzijn, en leveren andere ecosysteemdiensten zoals biodiversiteit die door onze samenleving worden gewaardeerd. In Nederland wordt sinds enkele jaren weer meer beweid. In het algemeen gaat beweiding in Europa echter achteruit, wat een bedreiging vormt voor alle ecosysteemdiensten die met beweiding en grasland samenhangen.
Veehouders en de landbouwsector staan centraal in het netwerk van dit project. Het netwerk omvat het hele kennis- en innovatiesysteem (ook wel AKIS genoemd) voor beweiding, denk aan praktijk, wetenschap, Operationele Groepen vanuit de EU (OG’s), NGO’s, adviseurs, consumenten en burgers.
G4AE wordt gecoördineerd door het Grünlandzentrum, Duitsland, en heeft een looptijd van drie en een half jaar (september 2022-februari 2026). Het consortium bestaat uit 18 partners uit acht EU-lidstaten (Frankrijk, Duitsland, Ierland, Italië, Nederland, Portugal, Roemenië en Zweden) die veel verschillende beweidingsstrategieën vertegenwoordigen.
Grazing and grassland in the Netherlands
In the Netherlands, grasslands and dairy farming are strongly linked. The area of grassland has fluctuated between 900,000 and 1 million hectares for years, making it the crop with the largest acreage in the Netherlands. Grazing is practiced on 80-85% of all dairy farms.
AERES University of Applied Sciences
At Aeres University of Applied Sciences in Dronten, students have been learning about agribusiness, food business, horticulture and animal husbandry for more than 65 years. The programmes combine theoretical study with practical training. Besides education, research has an important role. The Sustainable entrepreneurship research program is all about sustainable food production, entrepreneurship and business development in the agri-food and horticultural sectors. The program has a number of key themes and Grassland and Grazing is one of them. How can grasslands be optimally managed and used, in order to create value for the farmer and for the society? This is what the practically oriented research of the Grasslands and Grazing professorship focuses on. We investigate technical and socio-economic aspects of grasslands and grazing together with students, teachers, cattle farmers and industry. And we do this via three tracks: i) How can grazing cattle be optimally used to provide various ecosystem services? ii) What possibilities can we develop for farmers to optimize grassland management? iii) How can we better valorise the various functions of grasslands?
ZLTO is the association of and for 12,000 farmers and horticulturists in the southern part of the Netherlands (Zeeland, Noord-Brabant and Zuid-Gelderland). We stand for the continuity of agriculture and horticulture and future perspective for farmers and horticulturists.
As a lobbying association, we are the link between farmers and horticulturists, the government, industry and society. We work hard to create and maintain future perspective for agricultural entrepreneurs. We also join forces with our members and stimulate cooperation and innovation in agriculture and horticulture.
ZLTO is a leader in creating and realizing perspective for its members who do business in the green space by contributing to the continuity of agriculture and horticulture.
Farmers and horticulturists have a key role in society and contribute to solving the social issues of today and tomorrow.
Several teams within ZLTO work together for the interests of farmers and horticulturists:
- Team Lobby represents the interest of members to politicians and society;
- Team Programs leads innovative projects that empower farmers and horticulturists even more;
- Our Farm Advisors are ready for individual entrepreneurs who need help and advice;
- ZLTO Vastgoed advises and assists in the purchase and sale of agricultural real estate.
Like any association, ZLTO has an executive organization that gives members a say in and participation in the organization. ZLTO consists of 48 local departments through which we are always close to our members. The organization works from two offices, one in Den Bosch and one in Colijnsplaat.
With LTO Noord and LLTB we work together as LTO Nederland, which represents the whole country.
Facilitator Agents
2 agents that will moderate farm demonstrations of best practices and meetings within the grazing AKIS and encourage all actors to exchange and share knowledge in The Netherlands
Agnes van den Pol-van Dasselaar (Aeres)
Grasslands, grazing, grass and forage systems
Greenhouse gas emissions
Ecosystem services
Multi-stakeholder processes
Annick Spaans (ZLTO)
Project manager on sustainable livestock farming
Working with different farmers and
livestock species to improve
animal health and welfare
Partner Farms
Roger Brosens
Use of a pasture selection box with alarm clock radio
More info here: Video / Practice abstract
Dairy farm with 125 dairy cows and 111 ha in Wouwse Plantage, North Brabant
Kees van Wezel
Grazing cows in herb-rich grassland
More info here: Video / Practice abstract
Dairy farm with 140 dairy cows and 68 ha in Roosendaal, North Brabant
Jan Vonk
Grazing in a peatland area
More info here: Video / Practice abstract
Dairy farm with 115 dairy cows and 61 ha in Goudriaan, South Holland
Christian Swolfs
Siesta grazing as a strategy for robotic milking and measures to improve grass quality
More info here: Video / Practice abstract
Mixed farm with 60 dairy cows, about 500 laying hens and 35 ha in Woudrichem, North Brabant
Maiko Kemp
Citizen participation in grazing cows
More info here: Video / Practice abstract
Organic dairy farm with 110 dairy cows, sheep and some pigs, 135 ha in Kortenhoef, Noord-Holland
Johnny van der Zanden
Varying grazing strategy based on grass growth
More info here: Video / Practice abstract
Dairy farm with 135 cows and 40 ha in Dreumel, Gelderland
Jan Coppelmans
Jerseys as grazing cows
More info here: Video / Practice abstract
Dairy farm with 100 cows and 30 ha in Wintelre, North Brabant
Hielke and Hanny de Rooij
Optimising grazing with automation and diversity
More info here: Video / Practice abstract
Dairy farm with 180 dairy cows and 100 ha in Wadenoijen, Gelderland
Arjan Mulder
Meadow bird conservation through predator exclusion and habitat management
More info here: Video / Practice abstract
Dairy farm with 140 dairy cows and 66 ha in Vlist, South Holland
Joeri Ham
Providing a mixed ration in the pasture
More info here: Video / Practice abstract
Dairy farm with 75 dairy cows and 46 ha in Wijdenes, North Holland
Tom Lugtenberg
Grazing practices and longevity of dairy cows
More info here: Video / Practice abstract
Dairy farm with 150 dairy cows and 105 ha in Olst, Overijssel
Rudi de Wilde
Efficient cow fetching using Border Collie herding techniques
More info here: Video / Practice abstract
Dairy farm with 120 dairy cows and 47 ha in Enter, Overijssel
Auke Spijkerman
Optimising seasonal calving for sustainable grazing
More info here: Video / Practice abstract
Dairy farm with 95 dairy cows and 70 ha in Wapserveen, Drenthe
Wilfred Hessels
Old grasslands and biodiversity
More info here: Video / Practice abstract
Dairy farm with 92 dairy cows and 58 ha in Wittelte, Drenthe
Karst-Jan Snip
Pre-mowing as a method to increase fresh grass intake in grazing systems
More info here: Video / Practice abstract
Dairy farm with 72 dairy cows and 42 ha in Jonkersvaart in Groningen